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  • Writer's pictureDeborah

With All Your Heart

Series: Flowers in the Desert

Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV

Luke 16:10 TPT

2 Peter 3:17-18 Phillips

Sometimes we learn things best the hard way.

I don’t think we do it on purpose because we’re being contrary or stubborn. Most of the time without realizing it we are inculcated in our own cultural norms even when we don’t realize it.

Wise King Solomon wrote in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

The truth is, we can memorize that verse and repeat it over and over again.

We can talk about trusting God.

We can even believe deep down we’ve almost got trusting God down to a science.

But then one day, something will happen and we feel like life just got pulled out from under us. We become upended and we are left confused and hurting.

We wonder, and probably ask God, “what happened and why?”

We reason we ask is usually because we were doing everything we thought we should be doing.

Our culture teaches us that if we follow the rules and do everything right we will be blessed.

So, we are often hurt and angry that everything fell apart.

So, here’s the deal…the real deal.

If, just if, you really are following the rules and getting it right, and if you are serious about following God, then there will come a time when you will need to grow.

In order to grow you need to go deeper in your faith.

In order to grow deeper in your faith you will need to be tested.

Some call it walking through fire for God.

In order to walk through fire there are times when you will suffer.

The common or normal reaction to our suffering is to go to God and ask God why it happened? Why am I walking through fire? Wasn’t I seeking God and trying to do everything right?

The answer is because and yes.

You are walking through fire so you will grow. And, yes you were seeking God.

But in order to grow, you may need to walk through fire. THAT depends on what God has for you in the future.

Luke 16:10 puts it this way, “The one who faithfully manages the little he has been given will be promoted and trusted with greater responsibilities. But those who cheat with the little they have been given will not be considered trustworthy to receive more.“

When we sincerely seek to be or become more like Christ we will need to grow. At the same time pulling away from seeking cultural norms is not an easy task and it is not for the faint of heart.

Think about it this way…when we are young and we are physically growing we have growing pains. If you come from a family of tall people you may have terrible growing pains because your body has a lot of growing to do.

But if you come from a family of short people you don’t have as far to grow. You may have a few growing pains but not as often or as painful as a tall person.

Think of that in terms of maturing in the faith.

If God has called you to a life of continuous service to others, you will need to be prepared for that service and you will need to grow a lot.

But, if God has called you to teach a small class of young students God will prepare you accordingly.

Bear in mind one is not more important than the other in God’s eyes. God does not reward us according to the difficulty of our task. God rewards us according to our faithfulness to the task we are called to accomplish.

We are all called to be faithful.

2 Peter 3:17-18 warns us when he wrote, “But you, my friends whom I love, are forewarned, and should therefore be very careful not to be carried away by the errors of wicked men and so lose your proper foothold. On the contrary, you should grow in grace and in your knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ—to him be glory now and until the dawning of the day of eternity!”

Peter warned his friends in Christ to stick to the task they were given. He warned them to keep their eyes of Jesus and to trust the plan God had for them. Specifically he was telling them to keep their eyes on the ball or the prize which is Christ.

When we look to God daily and continue to trust God’s plan for us (even if we don’t know exactly what that plan is), we will daily grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus. As we trust God, our love for God grows.

Then, each day our life glorifies Jesus.

By keeping our eyes on Jesus we will grow to love God more and more and we will grow in grace and knowledge of God.

Spiritual Practice: Love

The desert tulip is called the love tulip. It reminds us even when we are running on empty and are dry, we can rely on God to help us to love God and love people. Today, practice relying on God.

In God, Deborah


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