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BE Dry Land and Seas

Genesis 1:9-10 (BE Dry Land and Seas

Genesis 1:9-10 (NKJV)

One of the places on my bucket list for years has been to visit the Sistine Chapel in Rome or in lieu of a visit I would like to study each painting in detail. Something about the creation paintings speaks to me and I am moved by Michelangelo’s work. I am particularly fascinated that he painted them from 1508 to 1512 A.D. I think that amazes me because the United States had barely been discovered before the painting was completed.

I have been to England (and Ireland) on a mission trip, and was reminded that a valuable antique in the United States is not considered to be really old in other parts of the globe. I think as told a good antique there was 400 years old. Oh.

When I think of God dividing the heavens from the earth, I immediately remember Michelangelo’s depiction of God opening his arms and speaking ‘let the waters be gathered’.

On day 2 of creation that’s exactly what happened. God spoke and He divided the heavens from the earth. Then on day 3, God turned to the earth below and He divided the dry land from the oceans. God spoke and creation responded.

We learn in Genesis 1:9-10, “Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas. And God saw that it was good.”

I’ve written about God’s Omnipresence before and I have to think that when God created the continents, He did it with intentionality. God could see the future. He could have made one land mass, but instead He chose to separate the land and put the ocean ‘Between’ them. Today, each continent houses people groups who have a similar history and culture. While there is more diversity in Europe, Asia, and South America today than in the past, those cultures hold similar bonds.

When I studied communication in college, we looked at how each culture communicates in unique ways. Even hand signals and non verbal communication differs greatly from culture to culture. While the United States, has a uniquely diverse culture, we still have a common understanding of how to communicate with each other. One of our greatest strengths has always been our differences and our ability to try to understand each other.

I think God saw all of that when He divided the continents. God intentionally gave us similarities and differences.

We find comfort in our similarities and we love each other. We thank God for shared love.

We struggle to understand our differences and we ask God to help us to understand. Once we are able to open lines of communication, we are grateful for God’s help.

It’s a push pull.

I think a different kind of world exists in the oceans. Different species thrive and survive in different climates. Today as our world temperatures shift and change, we see various species cross lines as they go in search for needed food and water.

God knew the ocean creatures would change and adapt through the centuries. When God separated the oceans, He knew what the future would bring and what each species would need in order to adapt to the changes.

Our ocean is the same.

Our ocean is ever changing.

It’s a push pull.

God created it that way.

While man does need to be careful and aware of abuses to our planet, we are also reminded of our adaptability.

God created that as well. He didn’t just create one time and walk away. God wrote ‘changing code’ into our DNA. He made it so we can survive.

The plan for the earth really was and is an ongoing miracle. For that, we ARE thankful!

Today’s Spiritual Practice is: Thank God

Thank God for creating our earth, land and sea so that it’s the same but ever changing. Thank spend time today thanking God for the miracle!

In God, Deborah

One of the places on my bucket list for years has been to visit the Sistine Chapel in Rome or in lieu of a visit I would like to study each painting in detail. Something about the creation paintings speaks to me and I am moved by Michelangelo’s work. I am particularly fascinated that he painted them from 1508 to 1512 A.D. I think that amazes me because the United States had barely been discovered before the painting was completed.

I have been to England (and Ireland) on a mission trip, and was reminded that a valuable antique in the United States is not considered to be really old in other parts of the globe. I think as told a good antique there was 400 years old. Oh.

When I think of God dividing the heavens from the earth, I immediately remember Michelangelo’s depiction of God opening his arms and speaking ‘let the waters be gathered’.

On day 2 of creation that’s exactly what happened. God spoke and He divided the heavens from the earth. Then on day 3, God turned to the earth below and He divided the dry land from the oceans. God spoke and creation responded.

We learn in Genesis 1:9-10, “Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas. And God saw that it was good.”

I’ve written about God’s Omnipresence before and I have to think that when God created the continents, He did it with intentionality. God could see the future. He could have made one land mass, but instead He chose to separate the land and put the ocean ‘Between’ them. Today, each continent houses people groups who have a similar history and culture. While there is more diversity in Europe, Asia, and South America today than in the past, those cultures hold similar bonds.

When I studied communication in college, we looked at how each culture communicates in unique ways. Even hand signals and non verbal communication differs greatly from culture to culture. While the United States, has a uniquely diverse culture, we still have a common understanding of how to communicate with each other. One of our greatest strengths has always been our differences and our ability to try to understand each other.

I think God saw all of that when He divided the continents. God intentionally gave us similarities and differences.

We find comfort in our similarities and we love each other. We thank God for shared love.

We struggle to understand our differences and we ask God to help us to understand. Once we are able to open lines of communication, we are grateful for God’s help.

It’s a push pull.

I think a different kind of world exists in the oceans. Different species thrive and survive in different climates. Today as our world temperatures shift and change, we see various species cross lines as they go in search for needed food and water.

God knew the ocean creatures would change and adapt through the centuries. When God separated the oceans, He knew what the future would bring and what each species would need in order to adapt to the changes.

Our ocean is the same.

Our ocean is ever changing.

It’s a push pull.

God created it that way.

While man does need to be careful and aware of abuses to our planet, we are also reminded of our adaptability.

God created that as well. He didn’t just create one time and walk away. God wrote ‘changing code’ into our DNA. He made it so we can survive.

The plan for the earth really was and is an ongoing miracle. For that, we ARE thankful!

Today’s Spiritual Practice is: Thank God

Thank God for creating our earth, land and sea so that it’s the same but ever changing. Thank spend time today thanking God for the miracle!

In God, Deborah


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