Series: Love
I Corinthians 13:13 ESV
Great Love
I have a confession to make.
Valentine’s Day has never been my favorite holiday.
That isn’t because I hated the idea of love or loving another person. It’s tied to my expectation. Even in elementary school when we passed out valentines there were times when I was hurt because I thought I was special to someone (girl or boy) and they didn’t even acknowledge me.
So, while I loved picking out valentines to give away, I gradually learned not to set my expectation high on the receiving end.
While that sounds a little sad, there was a good side to my realization of human expectations.
I’ve was in church every Sunday from as far back as I can remember.
I do not remember the Bible Stories I was taught in Sunday School. Nor do I remember anything about the sermon in church.
I do remember my Sunday School teachers welcoming me when I came to class. They were happy I was there. I remember being loved.
As I sat in church I remember drawing pictures as I sat next to my dad. I always sat next to my dad. It was a “thing”. I didn’t talk, but I could draw pictures. My dad would draw pictures when we were at home (he was a draftsman and an engineer). He helped me to see form and structure in pictures I drew. So, while we didn’t talk, he would occasionally smile at my pictures.
What I do remember from Sunday School and church was the love I was given while I was there. I’m not sure how I made the connection, but because I was loved by others, I knew I was loved by God.
I Corinthians 13:13 tells us, “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”
The stories of faith I learned were definitely important.
The hope of goodness and God’s love mattered.
What I remember about the people at church was the love.
Spiritual Practice: Love Matters
Thing of someone who loved you when you were young and be grateful.
In God, Deborah