Secret Weapon
I Peter 5:7 MSG
I Peter 5:7 KJV
All my life I’ve been told to be responsible.
The problem with that is that I’m not really responsible in the way society defines responsibility.
In I Peter 5:7 he write, “Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you.”
I took that seriously.
In addition to living carefree before God I defined carefree as being “letting go” so God can be in charge. I really wanted to let God be in charge. My dad repeatedly told me to let God be in charge.
I reasoned if we are carefree before God we live carefree. I decided to let God be in charge and that made me happy and carefree.
I’ve always been a happy laughing sort. Even when I was small I made up lines that I thought were funny and that made me smile. As I grew older I came to realize that everyone didn’t appreciate my laughter or my humor. I noticed that especially church people were somber and appeared to be unhappy.
That has always puzzled me.
My Bible from the late 1950’s said, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” and it was a scripture I memorized. My dad taught me it meant God’s got everything covered so he reasoned why should I worry?
Sixty plus years later I still remember that and to the best of my ability I live by it.
I still laugh a lot.
My friends tell me they hear me coming because they heard me laugh. I never played hide and seek well because in my hiding place I couldn’t stop laughing.
Oh well, I still had fun…