Series: Love
Romans 5:8
When I was nine years old I gave my heart to Jesus and every day in every way God has always been there for me.
Romans 5:8 tells us, “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Yes! That is so true! I learned when I was young that God showed his love for me by sending His Son to die for me and the world.
When I was young I thought that was all.
Little did I know it was just the beginning.
Somewhere along the line (like in the last ten years) I figured (finally) that God really wants to show love to us every minute of every day.
We don’t often take time to listen. But somehow every day in every way, God shows his love.
Just half an hour ago I was doing a relaxation exercise. I wrote the exercise a while back. The challenge was to do something that we love to do that makes us relax. When I wrote it I was thinking it would be to sit in silence.
Then it hit me.
No…I need to draw something. And, my favorite thing to draw is silly pictures of my pup. I have been writing silly cartoons to go with the pictures, so that’s what I did.
Then after I drew the picture and wrote the caption I realized being able to do that was a huge blessing from God.
I’m not saying God made me a great artist.
I’m saying God gave me the ability to make drawing silly pictures really satisfying. I love doing it and I consider every one a miracle.
I’ve taken loads of writing classes, lots and lots of theology classes, and foreign language classes (Spanish, French, and Hebrew). I’ve been in choirs and when I was young I played the piano, but I’ve never taken an art class. The last time I had art was in elementary school.
But, I’ve discover that I love love love to draw!
It’s like my favorite relaxation thing to do.
Plus, drawing silly pictures of pictures is totally fun!
I’m like a little kid in a candy store!
Most of the silly pictures I draw are of my dog because he is so animated. Sometimes he looks at me and I really feel like I know what he’s thinking.
Plus…I think he is hilarious.
Even before I started drawing pictures of him he would do the silliest things, and they make me laugh. So, I pet him and play with him and give him treats. Now, tell me he doesn’t know if he acts silly he won’t get a treat?
My friends and my Mom even tell me what he’s thinking!
But as funny as that is, the best part is that all of it is a planned gift of love from God. Seriously, how did God know 13 years ago that little pup would turn out to be my model for my cartoons?
I did not plan that.
God did.
The whole website was (is) a gift from God.
Every story idea is a gift from God.
Every Bible Study is a total gift because I pray that God will show me what I need to see and God shows up.
Finally, every picture is a gift.
They are all a gift from God’s heart to mine and they all make me totally happy.
So…my suggestion would be for you to look at your life. Look for the gifts of love God sends you every day.
If you don’t see them, ask God to make it clear.
Spiritual Practice: Ask God
Ask God to show you the gift of love given to you.
In Jesus, Deborah