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  • Writer's pictureDeborah

I Remember

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

Funny Sayings

Funny Thing #5

Psalm 4:8 ESV

I remember Friday. 

I think that’s because for years everyone I worked with looked forward to Friday. I looked forward to Friday especially during my last 17 years when I worked in customer service for a big company. The last 10 years I worked in their executive office. 

Friday was the goal. 

Today’s quote tells us. “Life is good, especially on a Friday.” —Anonymous

Looking back several years later I’m not sure that Friday was all it was meant to be. 

The unspoken reference to Friday meant we could rest on Saturday. More times than not, that wasn’t the case because the car needed to have an oil change, the refrigerator was empty, and there was cleaning that needed to be completed before Monday came. 

The truth of the matter was that if it wasn’t done on Saturday it would have to be done on Sunday so I did everything possible to get all of the housework and chores done on Saturday. 

I really really tried to rest on Sunday. Sunday was my day. It was my day to do whatever I wanted to do. 

Psalm 4:8 tells us. “In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”

Sunday was a day of worship. I spent the better part of my adult life as a pastor’s wife. Going to church was not a restful experience. Even though I wasn’t paid staff I was expected to have a major roll in church. I taught Sunday School, did children’s sermons in church on Sunday, headed up Vacation Bible School, and filled in the gap wherever I was needed. 

Later, I  worked part-time at a church during my last ten years before retirement.

Sunday afternoon and evening was the only day I could catch up with friends.

It was my time to watch a movie and call my Mom or my kids. 

I did rest on Sunday afternoon and evening. 

I had a terrific Spiritual Director at the time and he helped me understand the importance of receiving God’s peace. The funny thing was the more I surrendered to God’s peace, the more I relied on it. 

I missed the peace of God during seasons that were really busy. 

I yearned for peaceful moments. 

When I retired from both jobs I needed a long season of rest. Being able to sleep until I was rested was a huge treat. I stopped setting the alarm. 

A most interesting thing happened…

Each morning as I started to wake up I would sit with God. 

I didn’t ask God for anything. I just sat in silence in the presence of God. I became aware of the fullness of God’s presence. Each day was like Friday. 

After a while I realized I could choose how I wanted to spend my days. I love to write and study scripture and even though I wasn’t sure how to do it, I really wanted to have my own website. 

I tried several sites but every time I tried a platform there were road blocks. I asked my kids to pray for me because I couldn’t figure out how to set up a website. 

One of my sons and his wife offered to help. Within two hours it was up and running. 

I love drawing pictures, but I am on a learning curve with digital art. One of my granddaughters recently helped me with a program I was trying to figure out. I am amazed at how proficient and fast young people are with technology. 

Now Friday has a whole new meaning. I write and post Monday through Friday and I rest on weekends. 

It is my dream job. As we used to say, the pays not much but the benefits are out of this world! 

Now I spend a great deal of time praying about what God ‘has’ for me as I write and do the digital art. 

God (the Spirit) teaches me new things every day.

I am blessed.

I am especially blessed when we have visitors from other parts of the globe. People have joined in from almost every continent. I am blessed because I am reminded that we are connected. Every time someone halfway around the world visits the world seems like a smaller place. 

We are connected. However they worship doesn’t matter. We are human and we share a common thread. 

I pray for all who visit that they will be blessed in some way today. I pray that part of every day will be filled with the blessing of Friday on their mind and they will find peace. That’s because life IS good. 

Spiritual Practice: Peace

Talk a moment to breathe and rest in God. Receive God’s goodness. 

Together in God, Deborah


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