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  • Writer's pictureDeborah

Love One Another

Series: Call Me

Psalm 91:14-16 ESV

John 13:34 ESV

John 11:35 ESV

I’ve been struggling with protecting myself from someone I met.

She verbally and physically broke the rules of common decency and publicly targeted me. 

The confrontation on her part came about because I did not support her position. Please understand I could have called the police to report her. I knew they would probably not file charges, but they would more than likely have written her a warning citation. 

The action she took was her effort to intimidate and control me. Understand she is probably at least six inches taller than me. 

Because I knew it would not have resulted in action, I did not call the police but chose to end future contact with her. I do have the right to defend myself by ending contact. I know God does not want me to be a doormat. 

Psalm 91:14-16 tells us, “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him;    I will protect him, because he knows my name.

When he calls to me, I will answer him;    I will be with him in trouble;    I will rescue him and honor him.

With long life I will satisfy him    and show him my salvation.”

I also know that God holds fast to me in love. 

I know that God delivers me.

God protects me. 

I know God knows my name.

Because God knows my name when God calls to me I answer Him. 

I know, without doubt that God is and will be with me in times of trouble. 

I know God will rescue me and I sit with God even now in a place of honor with God.

I believe God will satisfy me with long life, either on earth or in God’s eternal presence. 

Daily God shows me and assures me of salvation through Jesus. 

I KNOW those things. 

John 13:34 says God gave us, a new commandment, “that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”

I know we are called to love one another.

What I DO NOT know is how to love this woman. 

I pray for her that she will come to a place where she realizes she needs to receive God’s love. I pray that she will not use physical intimidation on me or on anyone else. 

I have learned in life that while I am called to love, I am not called to be a punching bag. 

I am sad for her that she may not know what it’s like to hold fast to God in love. 

I am sad that she may not have been delivered. 

IT pains me to know that she may not know God’s protection. 

I am filled with sorrow that she may not know God’s name. 

I am sad that God is calling her name but she may not hear it and answer. 

I am torn that she may be facing trouble alone and even though God wants to rescue her and honor her, she may literally not hear God.

I am sorry that she may not have the satisfaction from knowing God’s love. 

I wonder if she had a daddy who sat with her, counseled her, and loved her day in and day out. 

I wonder if her Mom dressed her and combed her hair to get her ready for church. 

I wonder, did a Sunday School teacher teach her to sing “Jesus Loves Me”? 

Did anyone tell her as a child about the eternal life that awaits her in heaven.

I wonder all of that because I DID have that. 

My heart breaks at the thought that she may not have had any of that. 

Personally I think God’s heart breaks, too. I think God really wants her to come. 

I remember Jesus crying in John 11:35 we are told that “Jesus wept” when his friend Lazarus died. Jesus even knew he would see Lazarus again and yet He wept. 

I think God weeps for those who were not taught to love Him. I think it just may be possible that God weeps for her…

Spiritual Practice: Pray

Pray today for someone who may not know Jesus. 

In God, Deborah


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