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  • Writer's pictureDeborah

Receive Peace

Series: Renewal

Philippians 4:6-7 ESV

We often go along in life trying our best to look to God and trust so that we will not be fearful or anxious about what tomorrow may bring.

We remind ourselves God does hear us and does stand by us.

We remind ourselves that we’ve trusted before when we hit a rough patch and the problem eventually worked itself out and we were able to go on about our lives with a smile on our face.

Philippians 4:6-7 tells us, “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Personally, I have to admit that I have “sat with” Paul’s words more times that I can count.

I remember those words from the summer of 1987.

I was a young mother and wife.

We lived several hours away from where I grew up but we were able to occasionally make the trip so we could see family.

During the summer months in 1987 I had gone to camp with our church group and I thought it would be a good week away.

That’s not exactly what happened.

While we were there we received word that my dad was having health issues. He was relatively young (60 years old) and while I was concerned I was sure God would care for my da. Da had taught me everything I knew about God. He was my support guru and guide.

After camp we went back home and I continued to pray that my da’s health would improve. I continuously asked God to heal my da.

As summer wore on no improvements to his health came about. Still, I prayed and I knew others were praying as well.

Then he was diagnosed with cancer of the bladder. We were very concerned but the doctors said they were hopeful the treatment would take care of the cancer.

As a family we made a few trips to see for ourselves how things were going.

We all continued to pray for healing. My personal prayer partners were praying and our church was praying. My da had taught adult Sunday School for more than forty years, and he was an Elder in the church where I grew up.

Everyone was praying, asking for healing.

I reminded myself of Paul’s words in Philippians 4:6-7…do not be anxious.


Be thankful.

Receive God’s peace that surpasses understanding.

God will guard my heart and mind in Jesus.

I was certain God would heal my da.

It was such a difficult time for all of us, especially for me. I had relied on my da for as long as I could remember. His faith was so strong. I relied on his faith.

It had never failed me.

My da always pointed me back to God and He had reminded me God would not fail me. For 34 years da reminded me to trust God. I knew he had always prayed for me and that his prayers were powerful.

I also knew it was my turn to pray for him…pray healing. Day and night I prayed for healing. I prayed the cancer would be gone.

I reminded myself not to be anxious and to let the peace of God take care of everything.

Then one night in early Fall of 1987 I had a dream.

In the dream I saw a tunnel. I was standing on the outside of the tunnel. My da was in the tunnel. There was a beautiful very bright light at the end of the tunnel.

My da was walking toward the light.

I was calling for my da to stop…to hear me from the outside of the tunnel. My da did not stop. He continued to walk toward the light.

When I woke up I was crying uncontrollably.

Not long after I had the dream the doctors told my da the treatment wasn’t working. At that time there was no other treatment available.

They stopped administering the treatments and Hospice was called in to help my da.

I was numb.

I was confused. Hadn’t I prayed? Did I do it wrong? I didn’t understand.

My da passed into the light in early November.

The next year was a blur. There were times I hurt so much I could hardly breathe. Still, day after day I cried and somehow I kept breathing.

Life went on. Life without my da went on and I grew up. It took time, but I learned how to do life and pray without my da.

Two years ago I realized I’d now been without my da longer than I’d been on earth with him.

Today, I remembered the beautiful light from my dream and the peace of God passes understanding.

Today Jesus guards my heart and my mind.

Today I know I will see God when my time comes to walk through the tunnel to the light. I will see God, and da will be there waiting for me.

Spiritual Practice: Receive God’s Peace

Open your heart and hands to receive the peace of God.

In God, Deborah


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About Me

I am a child of God. I can’t remember when God wasn’t part of my life. I served in a church setting for 30+ years and now I seek to help others see and find their sacred space. Daily when we turn to God we begin to recognize where God is at work in our lives.


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