Secret Weapon
Proverbs 18:12 MSG
Romans 3:23 AMP
Many decades ago I memorized this scripture and because the version I memorized began with “Pride goeth before the fall…” I thought I memorized it from the King James English. My Bible was the KJV, but it wasn’t from that version. However, thanks to modern technology even if we remember a portion if scripture we can find where it’s found in scripture.
I love that and I consider it a miracle. I don’t remember life without scripture.
I love what The Message says in Proverbs 18:12, “Pride first, then the crash, but humility is precursor to honor.”
The words from The Message are to the point and clear.
I have witnessed the truth of pride preceding a crash many times in my life. Looking back I can see my pride and I remember the crash.
I also remember very wise older people in my life who had learned the truth (the hard way) about what caused the crash. We know “all have sinned and continually fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)
When I was younger (the age of my oldest grandchildren) I questioned the word ALL. I thought it surely that could not be true. I was wrong. Looking back I can see that was true about many things. When I was younger I was certain I was right. They are stark words…ALL have sinned. Every version of scripture is clear…ALL.
Do you know what’s really important about that? Even though I was so certain, God smiled and loved me anyway.
The second part of Proverbs 18:12 says humility is before honor. In the Hebrew the word is translated ‘and before’. The literal translation from the Hebrew says ‘before destruction is haughty the heart of a man and before honor humility.
Then and only then was I able to let go of the hurtful words spoken to me. The act of surrender before God was the healing act. I am a work in progress.
In God, Deborah/