Series: Give Thanks
Psalm 69:30 ESV
It’s a medical fact that when we eat certain foods (for example eggs, salmon, chicken, turkey, cheese), chemicals are activated in the human brain that produce serotonin. Serotonin is also produced naturally by bright light, meditation, exercise, laughter, and socialization with loved ones.
Then serotonin helps us have good quality of sleep, regulates appetite, helps with learning and memory, and promotes positive feelings (
In much the same way the chemical dopamine plays a vital role in good sleep, mood, learning, heart rate and kidney function. Dopamine is made from foods high in tyrosine. There is evidence that the brain releases dopamine when we meditate.
I had no idea when I was a wee lass and me da gave me an assignment to “sit with God and scripture and focus my mine on those things” that the practice of meditation would help me regulate mood all my life.
For example, Psalm 69:30 says, “I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.”
Without trying to memorize the scripture word for word, I picture it in my mind. I see myself before God singing a song of praise and thanksgiving.
It may seem strange to some, but in my mind I create a mini movie with myself and God as the characters.
My song does not have words but instead is a melody I hum to God. God receives the song as a love song from me. The song could have words but I prefer using a melody because I can focus more on loving God. As I hum the song I am filled with love for God and I am thankful that God…the God who created the heavens and the earth received love.
As I hum I know it is God who created me out of love. I did not create love…God created all the earth and everything in it.
Therefore as I continue the hum becomes a long breath and as I breathe in I receive God’s love. As I breathe out I give love to God.
We continue with the exchange of love and ever so gradually a natural rhythm developed between myself and God.
Fifty five years ago when I started these exchanges of breath they were for short lengths of time.
After I turned fifty I experienced a significant life change and a friend of mine knew I was struggling. She told me about a Spiritual Director who had an office nearby and she gave me his phone number.
Not only did he help me to see new doors God was opening, he encouraged me to study meditation.
My song of breathing with God helped me to shift my focus from the loss of the life I had lived to my new life. The biggest advantage of being single was that I could sit for long periods of time and sing my breath song with God. Notice I said “with”. The song is not a one way exchange.
I breathe love to God.
I receive God’s love breathe in return.
Sometimes there are words to my song but most of the time it’s a silent song of love.
The best part of the song is that the exchange can happen when I am surrounded by people or when I am sitting in a room by myself.
I wish I could effectively write about how the song changes me, but it seems like words fail me here. What I do know (because I studied it) is that serotonin and dopamine are produced in my brain.
I do know that the exchange between myself and God (of the Universe) changes me.
It gives me strength.
I feel loved.
I am content.
I don’t pretend to know everything…I only know what I have experienced, but I believe that science has helped us understand how the human brain works. I am grateful that God created a way to help us just by meditating and breathing in love.
Spiritual Practice: Sing a song of love
Find a quiet place and sing a song of love to God. Receive what God has for you.
In God, Deborah