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  • Writer's pictureDeborah

Word: Know

Series: The Word

I John 4:8 ESV

I John 4:8, “Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

Knowing someone is a deal.

It’s a really big deal.

I can remember junior high school and high school. Looking back, I was so crazy busy about “causes” and “clubs” that I didn’t even think a lot about the people.

Still, in the hours in-between all the busi-ness, there were very special people who made their mark on me forever.

I knew them and they knew me.

Years and years later they are what I remember.

I remember the crazy laughter and the long talks we had.

Two of those people are no longer with us. I’m glad I knew them because they are part of who I am.

There is also another kind of knowing. It’s a little bit different, but important. It’s even more important.

This “knowing” is the kind of thing that stays with me wherever I go.

When I was really little and I would get scared (especially when we had to go downstairs because a tornado was coming) my dad would tell me that Jesus knows where we are and will always take care of us.

Looking back, there were years when we had a lot of tornado warnings. Every single time my dad would remind me that Jesus sees us and knows us.

When I was a little older I decided I wanted to know Jesus forever, so I spoke with my Dad and my Pastor and I was baptized and I became a member of my church.

In the years that followed, when I faced new events I knew I could count on Jesus to take care of me.

When I went off to college Jesus went with me.

When I worked nights in the Railroad yard by myself, Jesus was there. I knew Jesus was with me.

When I got married Jesus was there.

Each time I was pregnant, Jesus was there when the baby was born.

When I got pregnant a fourth time and there were problems, I asked Jesus to make it okay. I lost the baby, but I came to realize that while I didn’t understand, Jesus knew why. After a while I found comfort in knowing that child was with Jesus.

When I got pregnant a fifth time, i didn’t have any problems. It became clear, the fifth child was the one I was supposed to raise.

Jesus knows each of my children.

Jesus knows my children’s spouses.

Jesus knows all eight of my grandchildren.

Jesus was with me in my dark dark hours when I lost everything. Almost overnight everything changed.

I had a dream before it all started and I didn’t understand it. I was Humpty Dumpty on a wall who had a great fall.

In time I came to realize that Jesus knew and that Jesus knew me. Jesus knew someday I would be able to breath again. It took time but God opened a door so I could meet with a Spiritual Director. For years, I sat with him and with God’s help, he taught me how to let Jesus heal me.

Humpty Dumpty did fall, but Jesus healed me.

Jesus knew I would be at peace again.

One day God tapped me on the shoulder and told me to go to Seminary. I argued that I was way too old.

God laughed.

So off to graduate school (Seminary) I went. Oh what a grand journey it was! Jesus knew in time I would love it!

I wrestled with God about what my calling looked like. I saw myself hanging out on a street corner with Jesus and people came to me to talk to us. I knew what God was calling me to was outside the walls of the church.

Jesus knows me.

I know God/Jesus.

Knowing matters.

Spiritual Practice: Know

Know God and let God know you. It matters.

In God, Deborah


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