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  • Writer's pictureDeborah

Word: Shield

Series: The Word

Psalm 119:114 ESV

Psalm 119:114, “You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your word.”

Psalm 119 is an acrostic poem that has 22 stanzas. Each section is preceded by a letter from the Hebrew alphabet. In other words, the first eight lines begin with the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet: Aleph. The next eight lines begin with the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet: Bet and continue through all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

I remember learning to sing the alphabet song in English. I was 4 or 5 years old and I would sing it over and over again. I was forever hooked on words!

Later, I took Spanish beginning in 5th grade (through 4 semesters in college) and there was a Spanish alphabet song.

Much to my surprise when I took Hebrew in Seminary there was even a Hebrew Alphabet song.  Since the Hebrew alphabet characters are completely different, I was really really grateful that the Hebrew alphabet song had a catchy tune. That helped everyone in my class to remember the Hebrew letters:

I still sing the Hebrew alphabet song today, just because I like the song.

The only reason I share those lessons is because of the lessons I learned.

As I studied each alphabet and sound of the different languages, I came to realize the language I grew up with was just one language of hundreds of languages.

Over time, as I struggled and learned I would read scripture in that language. That helped because when I read passages I knew in English, I came to understand the passage in another language. For example:

English: In the beginning God created…

Spanish: En el principio Dios creo’

Hebrew: B’reishit bara Elohim

It reminded me that my world, my native language was just one world, one language among thousands.

The thought that ‘God is my hiding place and my shield’ took on new meaning. I came to realize that millions of people speaking thousands and thousands of languages receive God’s promise. According to Google there are. 7,139 languages around the globe.

In each place, with each language, ‘God is hiding place and shield’ for all who turn to God.

In college I majored in Communication (Speech) and words have always been a ‘thing’ with me.  I fell in love with words in sixth grade the first time I prepared a speech. Speech class and theater were always my favorite subjects, but by the time I finished high school I realized I was more interested in writing and directing than acting, but oh how I loved writing and giving speeches!

I also realized that learning words in other languages was interesting. The final piece to the puzzle became apparent when I took a class in communication and culture in college. I took other courses in Seminary in that added understanding scripture and culture.

The scripture from Psalm 119:114 reminded me that people all over the globe who speak hundreds of languages can all look to God a s their hiding place because God is their shield.

I’ve never been a brave sort physically. I suppose that’s because I am a bit of a wee leprechaun. I was always one of the smallest students in class all my life.

Embracing Psalm 119:114 for me means that my size doesn’t matter.

God will protect me no matter what happens.

God is my hiding place.

God is my shelter.

Any place, any size, any language, God is there.

That makes us interconnected even now.  We do not speak the same language and our cultures may be vastly different, but none of that matters.

Even now we are connected by the power of God.

The good news…the really good news is that in our final resting place we will no longer be different. We will no longer struggle to communicate.

The point is, it’s all about God’s love.

Even God showing me in myriad ways that He loves us and wants us to care about each other.

Sometimes that means a neighbor who speaks the same language.

But sometimes that means someone halfway around the globe who speaks a completely different language.

God may even urge you to pray for someone in another country about something unique. It has happened…

God IS our shield who cares for us. As we care and decide to love, God will open miraculous doors.

Spiritual Practice: Love

Tell God ‘thank you’. Open your heart to love someone…somewhere.

In God, Deborah


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